
Payee in AceMoney is a company or a person that takes your money or give you money. AceMoney does not differentiate payees and payors, the both types are treated the same for the sake of simplicity.

This page allows to modify information about existing payees, add new payees and delete payees that are no longer needed. By default the page shows all your payees in a table sorted by payee name, but the sort order can be changed by clicking at .

Use Enter key or double click the row to modify payee information. You may also right click payee and select Edit from the popup menu.

Press New payee button or Insert key to add a new payee. You may also right click anywhere in the list and select Add new payee.

Press Delete payee button or Delete key to delete the selected payee. You may also right click payee and select Delete from the popup menu.

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